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Therapeutic patient education as the basis for diabetes long-term follow-up

Diabetes treatment and management depends on a multitude of parameters, both medication-related and patients’ lifestyle-related. Diabetologists do not consider enough the hidden facets of diabetes having an important and extraordinary role in glucose homeostasis regulation. Health care providers and particularly doctors are often problem-solving oriented, having no training in long-term follow-up of chronic diseases. Diabetes needs to be understood as a chronic and complex metabolic dysregulation to which only the patient could have the key how to restore the equilibrium. For that, this patient needs understanding and positive attitudes of his doctor who unfortunately misses training in therapeutic patient education.

The hormonal regulation of glycemic control is complex and depends on a multitude of biological parameters on one hand, and essentially on many factors linked to the patient’s lifestyle on the other hand. These factors, which are specific to every person living with diabetes, include not only the diet-related issues and the daily physical activity, but also the psychosocial situation, emotions and sleep, when all of them influence eating behavior and carbohydrate metabolism.

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