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Transfusion of Red Blood Cells in Hospitalized Patients
Sponsoring Organization: Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies (AABB)
This guideline updates the 2016 AABB guideline on red blood cell (RBC) transfusions (JAMA 2016; 316:2025). It is based on a systematic review using the GRADE framework to rate strength of recommendations and the quality of supporting evidence.
- Applying recommendations for transfusion is highly individualized and depends on many factors besides the hemoglobin level — for example, associated signs and symptoms, rate of hemoglobin drop, volume status, hemodynamic stability, patients' preferences and values, and other clinical variables.
- Clinicians should consider RBC transfusion only when expected benefits outweigh harms.
- The most common per-unit adverse events associated with RBC transfusion are transfusion-associated circulatory overload (1 in 125), febrile reactions (1 in 161), and allergic reactions (1 in 345).
- In the U.S., transfusion-associated transmission of HIV and hepatitis B and C viruses occurs in fewer than 1 per million transfusions.
Key Recommendations
- For hemodynamically stable hospitalized adults, a restrictive transfusion strategy of RBC transfusion when hemoglobin concentration is <7.0 g/dL is recommended (strong recommendation, moderate-certainty evidence).
- Some subgroups of patients might benefit from a slightly higher transfusion threshold. Consider RBC transfusion for patients undergoing cardiac surgery when hemoglobin concentration is <7.5 g/dL; consider transfusion for patients with cardiovascular disease or those undergoing orthopedic surgery when hemoglobin concentration is <8.0 g/dL.
- A restrictive transfusion strategy of RBC transfusion when hemoglobin concentration is <7.0 g/dL also is recommended for hospitalized adults with hematologic and solid-organ malignancies (conditional recommendation, low-certainty evidence).
- Due to lack of evidence, no specific recommendation is made for or against a restrictive or liberal transfusion strategy for patients hospitalized with acute myocardial infarction.
This guideline reaffirms previous recommendations for a restrictive transfusion strategy in most cases and provides guidance for specific subgroups in whom a slightly higher transfusion threshold might be considered. Recommendations for transfusions in pediatric patients, which are not reviewed here, also are included in the guideline.
Carson JL et al.
Red blood cell transfusion: 2023 AABB international guidelines.
12; [e-pub].
(Abstract/FREE Full Text)
Empfohlen von
Rahul B. Ganatra, MD, MPH