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Rituximab Monotherapy for Previously Untreated Follicular Lymphoma: Which Approach Is Better?
Patients with asymptomatic, low-tumor-burden follicular lymphoma (FL) can be managed by a watch-and-wait strategy or, as shown in several clinical trials, by single-agent intravenous (IV) rituximab; this second approach has the intent of delaying time to disease progression and cytotoxic chemotherapy. Investigators now report a phase 3, multicenter, randomized trial comparing industry-supplied rituximab IV with subcutaneously administered rituximab in 202 patients with previously untreated FL (stage II–IV; grade 1, 2, or 3a) and with low tumor burden by GELF (Groupe d'Etude des Lymphomes Folliculaires) criteria.
The two treatment arms were IV rituximab 375 mg/m2 weekly for 4 weeks or a subcutaneous regimen, which started with one IV rituximab dose, then fixed-dose subcutaneous (1400 mg) weekly for 3 more weeks, and finally maintenance bimonthly subcutaneous rituximab through month 9. The progression-free survival (primary endpoint) at 4 years was significantly better with subcutaneous than with IV rituximab (58.1% vs. 41.2%; hazard ratio, 0.585). Using Lugano criteria (which includes restaging positron-emission tomography/computed tomography and bone marrow biopsy), the overall response rate was significantly better with subcutaneous than IV rituximab (73% vs. 52%), as was the complete response rate (59% vs. 36%). The groups did not differ on 4-year overall survival (95%–97%) or time to next lymphoma treatment. Toxicities were as expected and did not differ between study arms. In exploratory analyses, higher rituximab area-under-the-curve (AUC) serum levels during the first 3 months of therapy correlated with better outcomes and with subcutaneous rituximab.
The finding of higher AUC levels likely reflects the higher rituximab doses in the subcutaneous group; the authors suggest that these patients may have limited benefit from maintenance therapy. Shared patient-provider decision making between observation and rituximab approaches remains appropriate for low-tumor-burden FL. If rituximab is chosen, subcutaneous rituximab should be preferred over IV given the better outcomes and patient convenience.
Cartron G et al.
Randomized phase III trial evaluating subcutaneous rituximab for the first-line treatment of low-tumor burden follicular lymphoma: Results of a LYSA study.
J Clin Oncol
1; [e-pub].
(Abstract/FREE Full Text)
Empfohlen von
Michael E. Williams, MD, ScM