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Primary Tumor Resection Does Not Improve Survival in Metastatic Colon Cancer
Initial surgery for patients with metastatic colon cancer is clearly warranted when the primary tumor is bleeding or obstructing. However, for patients with asymptomatic tumors and metastases not amenable to curative resection, results from retrospective, phase 2, and phase 3 trials have varied, with some supporting and others questioning a survival benefit for upfront surgery. Investigators now report combined results from the SYNCHRONOUS and CCRe-IV randomized trials comparing upfront primary tumor resection (PTR) followed by chemotherapy to treatment with chemotherapy alone in patients with colon cancer and metastatic disease not curable with surgery.
Of the 393 patients, 95% had liver metastases. Primary tumors were left-sided in 53% of patients and right-sided in 45%. Also, 45% received an oxaliplatin-fluoropyrimidine doublet, 35% the addition of bevacizumab, and 18% an EGFR-targeting antibody. The median follow-up was 36.7 months. The primary endpoint of median overall survival was similar in the two groups (PTR, 16.7 months; no-PTR, 18.6 months). Chemotherapy was not given to 24% of patients in the PTR group and 6% of the no-PTR group. The no-PTR group had a significantly higher rate of serious adverse events (18%) than the PTR group (10%), due to more ileus or bowel obstructions (no-PTR group, 18 patients; PTR group, 2 patients).
Results from the pooled analysis of these two European trials support the avoidance of primary tumor resection in patients presenting with metastatic colon cancer and inoperable metastases. The high rate of failure to administer any palliative chemotherapy in the upfront surgery group underscores that primary surgery should continue to be reserved for patients with bleeding or obstructing tumors.
Rahbari NN et al.
Primary tumor resection before systemic therapy in patients with colon cancer and unresectable metastases: Combined results of the SYNCHRONOUS and CCRe-IV trials.
J Clin Oncol
27; [e-pub].
(Abstract/FREE Full Text)
Empfohlen von
David H. Ilson, MD, PhD