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New Editor-in-Chief for NEJM Journal Watch
Dear Readers,
The editorial board of NEJM Journal Watch is embarking on a key transition.
Dr. Raja-Elie Abdulnour, an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, is the new Editor-in-Chief of the NEJM Journal Watch series. Dr. Abdulnour also serves as Editor for Clinical Development and AI Innovation at NEJM Group; he will play a key role in ensuring that NEJM Journal Watch continues to identify the most important information for practicing clinicians. Dr. Allan Brett, who has served as Editor-in-Chief of NEJM Journal Watch General Medicine since 1994 and Editor-in-Chief of the NEJM Journal Watch series since 2016, will continue to lead our General Medicine/Ambulatory Medicine team and play an active role in selecting, editing, and writing our summaries.
Thank you for relying on NEJM Journal Watch to keep up with the medical literature and to stay informed about the research and guidelines affecting your practice. As always, don't hesitate to give us feedback.
The Editors of NEJM Journal Watch