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Neoadjuvant Treatment Takes Center Stage for Patients with Resectable Melanoma
For patients with stage III melanoma, the goal is cure, but the risk for relapse is high. The standard approach has been complete surgical resection followed by adjuvant therapy — commonly, anti-PD-1 checkpoint-blocking antibodies (nivolumab and pembrolizumab) — to reduce the risk for recurrent disease by eliminating micrometastases. Early clinical data suggest that presurgical (i.e., neoadjuvant) treatment might yield better outcomes. In the industry-supported NADINA trial, the first randomized, phase 3 study testing this concept, researchers compared outcomes of 423 patients assigned either to two doses of neoadjuvant treatment (nivolumab plus ipilimumab) before surgery or to surgery upfront followed by adjuvant nivolumab alone (≤12 cycles).
Patients in the neoadjuvant arm who had a major pathologic response (59%) were given no further systemic therapy; those who had a pathologic partial response (8%) or nonresponse (26%) received adjuvant nivolumab or combination dabrafenib/trametinib. Estimated 12-month event-free survival was significantly superior in the neoadjuvant arm, compared with the adjuvant arm (84% vs. 57%). The neoadjuvant regimen was associated with a higher rate of systemic-treatment–related grade ≥3 adverse events (30% vs. 15% in the adjuvant arm).
Because one study arm involved combination treatment and the other involved monotherapy, these researchers cannot isolate neoadjuvant treatment as the key factor in these outcomes. Additionally, the neoadjuvant combination regimen was linked to greater toxicity. However, these data, taken together with results from an earlier phase 2 study suggesting better outcomes with neoadjuvant than adjuvant pembrolizumab (N Engl J Med 2023; 388:813), make a compelling case for neoadjuvant treatment. Early aggressive treatments that maximize major pathologic response appear to deliver superior outcomes in this patient population, boosting the chance of cure. The next goal is to deliver major pathologic responses while minimizing toxicity. The authors note a promising phase 2 study of a regimen combining anti-LAG-3 and anti-PD-1 antibodies (Nature 2022; 611:155).
Blank CU et al.
Neoadjuvant nivolumab and ipilimumab in resectable stage III melanoma.
N Engl J Med
2; [e-pub].
(Abstract/FREE Full Text)
Empfohlen von
Margaret Callahan, MD, PhD