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NEJM Journal Watch Oncology and Hematology Top Stories of 2024
Dear Readers,
The past year highlighted the wide application and clinical utility of immunotherapy as a component of systemic therapy across a wide variety of malignancies, both in early- and late-stage disease. Additionally, understanding the mutational makeup of a tumor has informed the use of targeted therapy in aggressive breast cancers and non–small-cell lung cancer. Chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy has been shown to positively impact outcome in mantle cell lymphoma. Finally, assessing ferritin levels in blood donors may decrease the risk of iron-deficiency compared with simply assessing hemoglobin levels.
The top NEJM Journal Watch Oncology and Hematology stories for 2024 are:
Sotorasib plus Panitumumab for Mutated KRAS G12C Metastatic Colon Cancer
Paradigm Shift in the Management of Advanced Urothelial Cancer
CAR T-Cell Therapy for Mantle-Cell Lymphoma
Ferritin-Guided Blood Donation: A Better Way to Prevent Anemia in Blood Donors?
A New Standard of Care for Limited-Stage Small-Cell Lung Cancer?
More Support for Adding Pembrolizumab to Chemotherapy and Surgery in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
Nivolumab+AVD or Brentuximab Vedotin+AVD in Advanced-Stage Hodgkin Lymphoma?
Triplet Therapy for Bad-Acting ER+ Breast Cancer
Perioperative Durvalumab for Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer?
First-Line Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy for MSI-High Metastatic Colon Cancer
Betibeglogene Autotemcel Gene Therapy for Transfusion-Dependent β-Thalassemia
Empfohlen von
William J. Gradishar, MD