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Is Simple Hysterectomy Noninferior to Radical Hysterectomy in Low-Risk Cervical Cancer?
Radical hysterectomy is the standard of care for women with a diagnosis of early-stage cervical cancer, but this surgery is known to a have higher risk of perioperative complications than a more-conservative surgical procedure. In an international trial, investigators assessed whether simple hysterectomy is noninferior to radical hysterectomy in patients with early-stage cervical cancer and low-risk features.
Eligibility criteria included squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, or adenosquamous carcinoma histologies of any grade; FIGO stage IA2 or IB1 (lesion ≤2 cm); limited stromal invasion; and no evidence of lymph node involvement on preoperative imaging. A total of 700 patients were randomized to either radical hysterectomy or simple hysterectomy; however, the surgical approach (open vs. minimally invasive) was at the discretion of the trial surgeons and was not a stratification factor. Most patients (92%) had stage IB1 disease.
The incidence of pelvic recurrence at 3 years (the primary outcome) was 2.52% in the simple hysterectomy arm and 2.17% in the radical hysterectomy arm. Simple hysterectomy was not inferior to radical hysterectomy. Simple hysterectomy was also associated with significantly lower rates of urinary retention and incontinence.
In carefully selected patients with early stage, low-risk cervical cancer, simple hysterectomy may be considered as an alternative to radical hysterectomy. However, an important caveat is that this study does not provide information about the optimal surgical approach — open versus minimally invasive — as this was not a stratification factor.
Plante M et al.
Simple versus radical hysterectomy in women with low-risk cervical cancer.
N Engl J Med
29; [e-pub].
(Abstract/FREE Full Text)
Empfohlen von
Merry Jennifer Markham, MD, FACP, FASCO