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Focal Therapy for Localized Prostate Cancer in Older Men
At some centers, focal ablative therapy (generally with high-intensity focused ultrasound or cryotherapy) is a treatment option for selected patients with localized prostate cancer. This option could be attractive for some older patients with comorbidities who might be candidates for radical prostatectomy or radiotherapy (according to tumor grade) but who wish to avoid complications from radical intervention.
Using data from national registries, U.K. researchers compared 262 patients (age, ≥70; median age, 74) who underwent focal ablative therapy with 262 propensity-score–matched patients who underwent radical treatment (mostly radiotherapy with androgen-deprivation therapy). At baseline, nearly all patients had intermediate- or high-risk disease. Estimated 5-year failure-free survival (the composite primary outcome, which included absence of salvage radical treatment, systemic treatment, distant metastases, or prostate cancer–specific death) was significantly higher in the radically treated group than in the focal-therapy group (96% vs. 82%). Estimated 5-year overall survival with focal therapy was 96%.
The better failure-free survival with radical treatment than with focal therapy (a 14 percentage-point difference) is not surprising. The challenge for individual decision making is to balance that difference against the higher rate of complications with radical treatment in older men — especially men with substantial comorbidities. We don't have long-term data from randomized trials to compare focal therapy versus radical treatment, active surveillance, or watchful waiting. But in the meantime, editorialists from Mayo Clinic conclude that focal therapy is “a reasonable strategy in older patients.”
Habashy D et al.
Evaluation of outcomes following focal ablative therapy for treatment of localized clinically significant prostate cancer in patients >70 years: A multi-institute, multi-energy 15-year experience.
J Urol
; [e-pub].
(Abstract/FREE Full Text)
Lomas DJ and Frendl DM.
Editorial comment.
J Urol
; [e-pub].
(Abstract/FREE Full Text)
Empfohlen von
Allan S. Brett, MD