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First-Line Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy for MSI-High Metastatic Colon Cancer
Pembrolizumab achieves superior response, progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival compared with first-line chemotherapy in patients with microsatellite-instability (MSI)–high metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC). Nonrandomized trials have also indicated a high degree of effectiveness for single-agent nivolumab or the combination of ipilimumab and nivolumab (ipi/nivo).
Investigators now report results of the industry-sponsored, phase 3 Checkmate 8HW trial comparing treatment with first-line chemotherapy versus ipi/nivo in patients with previously untreated unresectable or metastatic MSI-high CRC. Patients were randomly assigned to treatment with investigators' choice of chemotherapy with or without a targeted agent, or nivolumab (240 mg) and ipilimumab (1 mg/kg) every 3 weeks for 12 weeks, followed by nivolumab maintenance (480 mg) every 4 weeks. Of 303 patients, 68% had right-sided primaries, 39% had liver and 42% had peritoneal metastases, 84% had centrally confirmed MSI-high status, and 13% had known Lynch syndrome.
At a median follow-up of 31.5 months, the primary endpoint of PFS in the patients with centrally confirmed MSI-high status was superior for ipi/nivo compared with chemotherapy (P<0.001), both at 12 months (79% vs. 21%) and 24 months (72% vs. 14%). Estimated mean survival time at 24 months was numerically superior for ipi/nivo compared with chemotherapy (19.2 vs. 8.6 months). All subgroups, including patients with RAS and BRAF mutations, achieved superior PFS with ipi/nivo. Treatment-related grade 3/4 serious adverse events were less common with ipi/nivo than chemotherapy (23% vs. 49%). No new safety signals were observed.
Ipi/nivo was superior to chemotherapy as first-line treatment in MSI-high metastatic CRC, with a remarkably high PFS rate of 72% at 2 years into treatment. Results from a third treatment arm of the trial comparing single-agent nivolumab to ipi/nivo are pending and will address whether ipi/nivo is superior to nivolumab alone. Ipi/nivo joins pembrolizumab as a standard of care for MSI-high metastatic CRC.
Andre T et al.
Nivolumab plus ipilimumab in microsatellite-instability–high metastatic colorectal cancer.
N Engl J Med
28; [e-pub].
(Abstract/FREE Full Text)
Empfohlen von
David H. Ilson, MD, PhD