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Risk Factors for Death After Neurologic Immune-Related Adverse Events
Recent cohort studies have demonstrated that neurologic immune-related adverse events (nirAEs) following immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) therapy for cancer are frequent, varied, and associated with higher overall survival (NEJM JW Neurol Sep 29 2023 and Neurology 2023; 101:e2472). Researchers conducted a retrospective cohort study of consecutive patients referred to a tertiary center during a 5-year period to characterize the clinical features of nirAEs and identify predictors of ICI response and survival.
The researchers identified 64 patients with confirmed nirAEs, 81% involving the central nervous system (CNS). The vast majority of CNS nirAE patients had encephalopathy, of which 73% were neither seropositive for well-characterized neural autoantibodies, nor had a distinctive encephalitis syndrome, nor had evidence of CNS inflammatory changes. The most common peripheral nervous system (PNS) syndrome was myasthenia and myositis (with or without myocarditis) overlap syndrome. Only 17% of PNS nirAE patients were seropositive. Steroids were given to 91% of nirAE patients after a median of 90 days of symptoms, and 48% received additional immunotherapy. At 1-month follow-up, 72% of nirAE patients showed improvement, 9% had worsened, and 17% had died. Among the 53 patients who survived the first month, median follow-up was 6 months; during follow-up, 30% died, most commonly of cancer progression or cancer-related complications. Death was associated with lung cancer (hazard ratio, 2.5), encephalopathy without CNS inflammatory changes (HR, 5.0), and myasthenia, myositis, and myocarditis overlap syndrome (HR, 6.6).
In this series of patients with nirAEs, a higher risk for death was seen in patients with encephalopathy without CNS inflammatory changes and those with myasthenia, myositis, and myocarditis overlap syndrome. Most patient deaths occurred during the first month following symptom onset, suggesting the importance of early immunotherapy for nirAEs.
Fonseca E et al.
Neurological adverse events related to immune-checkpoint inhibitors in Spain: A retrospective cohort study.
Lancet Neurol
; [e-pub].
(Abstract/FREE Full Text)
Empfohlen von
John C. Probasco, MD