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Surgery vs. Radiation Therapy for High-Risk Localized Prostate Cancer
Patients with high-risk but localized prostate cancer usually are given the option of surgery or radiation therapy, but randomized trials to evaluate these outcomes are lacking for this patient population. In an observational study, researchers used the U.S. Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database to examine outcomes with radical prostatectomy and external-beam radiation in 24,000 patients with localized high-risk or very-high-risk prostate cancer (according to Johns Hopkins classification). Propensity-score matching was used to compare cohorts of surgical and radiation-therapy patients who were similar in age, Gleason score, clinical stage, and prostate-specific antigen level.
Prostate cancer–specific mortality at 5 years was significantly lower with surgery than with external-beam radiation therapy (2.3% vs. 4.1%; P<0.001). The absolute differences were greater in the subgroup with very-high-risk cancers (3.5% vs. 6.0%; P<0.001) and smaller in the subgroup with “only” high-risk cancers (0.7% vs. 1.2%; P=0.22).
Mortality outcomes were better with surgery than with radiation therapy in this study. Limitations of the analysis include potential residual confounding and lack of information on use of androgen-deprivation therapy, specifics of radiation protocols, and complications and side effects. Nevertheless, given the absence of randomized trials, these results provide background information that can inform decision-making for patients with high-risk localized prostate cancer.
Chierigo F et al.
Survival after radical prostatectomy versus radiation therapy in high-risk and very high-risk prostate cancer.
J Urol
; [e-pub].
(Abstract/FREE Full Text)
Empfohlen von
Allan S. Brett, MD